Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pac-16? Whaaaaat?

Colorado to the Pac-10? Make that Pac-11 now.

Wait, if Texas, Texas A&M and Texas Tech head west, then that makes it the Pac-14? Oklahoma and Oklahoma State will more than likely follow the three Texas schools to the Pac-14. So make that the Pac-16.

Bye bye Big 12.

Oh yeah we have Nebraska jumping the Big 12 ship and heading to the Big 10 which already has 11 schools. Is this the new Big 12? And the Big 10 as we know it today will not be done – Notre Dame is rumored to join Nebraska along with maybe a couple of Big East schools.

And we can’t forget the Southeastern Conference. It is rumored maybe Florida State and a Virginia Tech could join, making that a 14-school conference. Will it stop?

And what about Baylor? The Bears are whining because they don’t want to be left behind by the other quote unquote Texas schools. Baylor, thanks to Ann Richards, you should not have even been in the Big 12.

This reminds me of the UIL’s high school district realignments every two years. So and so is going in with this district – so and so in that one, etc. This is all mind boggling and I hate to see it happening.

I hated it back in 1992 when my Razorbacks left the prestigious Southwest Conference and headed to the SEC. Remember the SWC?

I think everyone knows this is all about the green dollar. Greed.

Add these teams to your conferences and you have to play that one extra game – the conference championship because you will have to split your schools in divisions. The SEC went to a East-West Division back in ’92 and the when Texas, A&M, Tech and Baylor joined OU, OSU, Missouri, Colorado, Nebraska, Iowa St., Kansas and Kansas St. of the Big 8 to form the Big 12, it went to a North-South Division format.

Obviously having a Texas play USC will draw sellout crowds in Austin and Los Angeles for football. But Longhorns fans get ready; when this all happens you’ll be up late on a Saturday night watching your team face USC. Remember Los Angeles is two hours behind us. Or Trojans fans might have to watch their team play in Austin at 10 a.m. on a Saturday morning if it’s a noon kickoff.

Or Aggies when your team is in Seattle to play Washington – say a Tuesday night during the basketball season – that alarm clock rings awful early the following morning. You ain’t gonna like it.

When the Big 12 formed we saw one of the greatest rivalries in all sports – OU and Nebraska – go away. Remember all those unbelievable football games over the years? Those were reduced to every two or three years because Nebraska was in the North and OU in the South.

I haven’t even talked about TCU yet. If and that’s a big IF, the remaining Big 12 teams stay together and for some reason Nebraska stays – at last report the Cornhuskers have not officially been invited to the Big 10 yet – then TCU could replace Colorado.

Of course we’re still looking at two or three years down the road. It’s just a shame but I guess I’m old school. I want the SWC back.

I want the Big 10 minus Penn St. I want the Big 8 back. But in the long run, who cares? We’re still going to watch the football games regardless of what conference it is. And we know this is pretty much about football and GREED.

I’m done rambling.

1 comment:

Amanda McD said...

Yeah...we all get it. Baylor doesn't compare. But only in football my friend. Unfortunately, that's where the almighty dollar comes from!

Looks like it won't matter now anyway...